Angelina Jolie Sparks Self-Harming Fears

The actress — whose relationship with partner Brad Pitt is said to have broken down completely — has been shutting herself away in her trailer most days, fueling speculation she may have starting cutting herself again, a habit Jolie has admitted to in the past.

Angie’s been crying in her trailer most days and is barely eating. She keeps forgetting her lines and she’s been shaking and staring into space,” a movie insider tells Britain’s Now magazine.

“In fact, it’s been so bad that some crew members have suspected she’s using drugs, although that’s out of the question. But the ones who know her realize it could be something much, much worse if she’s self-harming.

“When she’s at home she just about holds it together, but she stays up listening to the same song over and over and rarely sleeps.”


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