Jesus Luz: Madonna and I Are Just Friends

Madonna in bridal white (again)? Don't count on it just yet.

"She is a person who I admire a lot, a friend who is in my life," the superstar's frequent companion, Jesus Luz, tells the Brazilian TV show Fantastico. "More than that, I can't say. She is my friend, just a friend."

As for those photos of them buying jewelry featuring Kabbalah symbols, he says, "I received these pieces of jewelry because they are inspired by Kabbalah. If I want to present them to somebody, it could be my mother or a friend of mine. I don't have any marriage plans or any wedding present."

The friendship between Luz, 22, and Madonna, 50, began early this year after they were introduced on a photo shoot by photographer Steven Klein. "I found her wonderful, a person full of positive energy, a nice person, you don't see faults," he tells Fantastico.

The Brazilian model offered a few details from his own biography, saying, "I am a quiet guy. I grew up in Rio, always liked nature, the beach, to treat my body well, to work out, to be healthy. I went to evangelical church, Catholic, yoga, various ways to try and meet God within me."

And is he a ladies' man? "I always liked to date seriously," he says. "I never was just casual."

One thing his pal Madonna has taught him is to ignore media rumors, or taunts he's just another Boy Toy. "In truth," he says, "I never pay attention to what others say about me, because if I let negativity to enter into my life, I can't follow my route, my path."


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