If You Seek Britney's New Video, Here It Is

With the most thinly veiled sexual entendre this side of AC/DC, Britney Spears' latest single from Circus has been shocking parents and worrying radio stations for months. Well, we've finally got the video for "If You Seek Amy" and it's a little risque and very strange.

The video opens on what appears to be the morning after a racuous orgy attended by a diverse group of hard-bodied, multi-ethnic dancers. Britney shows up in the midst of a room littered with discarded clothes and picks a pair of panties off the ground as she wonders where in the heck Amy went. About halfway through the song, Britney slips into something less comfortable, a sort of Joan Cleaver get-up complete with cherry pie, to walk outside and greet the press mob hanging out by her fence.

She's playing naughty and nice and looking hot for the video, but it doesn't make much sense. What do you think?

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