Who Sells More Mags: Nicole Kidman or Lauren Conrad?

Poor Nicole Kidman.

She's gone through a rough couple of years, professionally. It was reported last year that she's near the top of the list of stars with disappointing box office worth, meaning that her salary was found disproportionately high to the amount of money her films brought in at the box office. Sigh.

Today WWD reports that Kidman doesn't have much selling power when it comes to women's magazines, either. She, Carrie Underwood, and Rachel Weisz had some of the most disappointing magazine sales when they landed the covers of different magazines last year. Kidman's lackluster cover sales may have to do with her timing: she landed the cover of Glamour in December, after the economic recession took its toll. Her issue had the worst single-copy sales in recent history for the mag.

The covergirl winners? Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham, and Lauren Conrad. The Hills' Conrad covered the best-selling issue of Self, while Jolie was on the best-selling issues of both W and Vanity Fair. But these figures shouldn't carry too much clout - bad sales cannot be blamed on covers alone. Eva Longoria Parker and Scarlett Johansson both saw solid sales on the covers of In Style and Cosmopolitan, respectively, but failed to work their magic on Allure.

Source: http://www.zimbio.com/Nicole+Kidman/articles/510/Sells+More+Mags+Nicole+Kidman+Lauren+Conrad

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