Lindsay's Maserati Was a Gift From an Adult Film Director

Well, at least this answers the question of how struggling actress Lindsay Lohan can afford a $115,000 Maserati. TMZ reports that porn director Dennis DeSantis lent Lohan the luxury vehicle for unspecified reasons. Just being nice?

If you've never heard of DeSantis, here's some background: He's known for his handiwork on plenty of adult films whose titles will make you blush, and apparently he's not hurting for cash. Not only did he lend Lindsay the car with no strings attached, but he wasn't at all angry about the little ding laid in it last week. According to TMZ, DeSantis is happy to patch it up (a $10,000 job) and send it right back to her.

Breathe a sigh of relief. At least this news doesn't mean Lindsay is moving over into the adult film category, no matter how much she's hurting for work.


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