Chase Benz, Britney's New Beau?

Britney Spears
seems to have a thing for back-up dancers. First Kevin Federline, and now Chase Benz.

Star Magazine is reporting that the 26-year-old Spears has singled out 21-year-old back up dance Chase Benz, and that the two are spending a lot of time together during Spears "Circus" comeback tour.

From the article at Star:
"Brit really loves the way Chase looks, and she has a thing for Southern boys with loads of charm," says a source. "She's totally into him. And being on tour again, plus having a sexy new guy to get close to, has put Brit in a great frame of mind."

Benz, who changed his MySpace profile's status to simply "Love" after Star published the rumors, is apparently a sweet-talking Southern boy with some deep spiritual roots.

According to his grandmother, who spoke to Star, “He’s a true gentleman and has a big heart. She’s lucky to have him in her show — and Chase just adores her!”

You can check out a video of Chase Benz's moves below:


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