Britney's Dad Gets $16,000 a Month to Take Care of Her

Being Britney Spears' father is apparently one of the better jobs to have in these tough economic times. According to, Jamie Spears (pictured above to the left), has been awarded $16,000 a month for taking care of his troubled pop diva daughter. Which comes out to $192,000 more a year than most people get for being a father.

On Friday, Jamie Spears filed a declaration to the conservatorship commissioner, Reva Goetz, who is in charge of Britney Spear's estate after taking it over in February of last year, following Britney's stay in the UCLA Medical Center psychiatric unit. Papa Spears wrote that he in involved in about 200-400 communications every day to coordinate his daughter's life and career, along with a host of other duties.

This isn't the first time Jamie Spears has asked to be compensated for taking care of his daughter. In June of 2008, he filed his first declaration with the conservatorship commissioner, asking for (relatively) a smaller income, only $2,500 a week, plus funds to lease a car.

In that filing, he noted that all he done already for his own flesh and blood:

After Britney was released from the hospital, I brought Britney home and secured her living and care situation. Throughout the time period, I ran errands, including buying groceries and cooking supper on a daily basis. I talked frequently with Britney about her health status…I arranged for Britney’s transport and security to go shopping and so that she could teach a dance class. To be fair, part of his duties also include spending time with Kevin Federline, so maybe he isn't being paid enough.

What do you think? Is $16,000 a month a fair price for Jamie Spears to take care of his daugter's affairs? Comment here!

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