Seven Pounds (2008)
Release Date: December 19, 2008
Studio: Columbia Pictures (Sony)
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Screenwriter: Grant Nieporte
Starring: Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy, Barry Pepper, Woody Harrelson
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for thematic material, some disturbing content and a scene of sensuality)
Official Website:
Summary: Academy Award? nominee Will Smith reunites with the directors and producers of "The Pursuit of Happyness" for the emotional drama "Seven Pounds." In the film, Smith plays Ben Thomas, an IRS agent with a fateful secret who embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers.
Movie Poster:
View here
Trailer 1 (10.13.08):
Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res
Real Player, Hi-Res
Real Player, Lo-Res
Trailer 2 (11.11.08):
QuickTime/Flash Player, Various
International Trailer (10.23.08):
QuickTime/Windows Media Player/iPod Video, Various
TV Spot 1 (11.20.08):
Flash Player
TV Spot 2 (11.20.08):
Flash Player
TV Spot 3 (11.30.08):
Flash Player
TV Spot 4 (11.30.08):
Flash Player
TV Spot 5 (11.30.08):
Flash Player
TV Spot 6 (12.4.08):
Flash Player
Featurette (11.23.08):
Flash Player
Clip 1 (12.1.08):
Flash Player
Clip 2 (12.1.08):
Flash Player
Clip 3 (12.1.08):
QuickTime, Various
Clip 4 (12.2.08):
Flash Player
Exclusive Will Smith & Rosario Dawson Video Interviews (12.16.08):
Flash Player
Labels: Dec 08, Milli, Movie, S, Trailer and Clips
Posted by Milli at Thursday, August 06, 2009