Romanzo Criminale
Release Date: TBA
Studio: Icon Film Distribution
Director: Michele Placido
Screenwriter: Giancarlo De Cataldo, Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli
Starring: Kim Rossi Stuart, Anna Mouglalis, Pierfrancesco Favino, Claudio Santamaria, Stefano Accorsi, Riccardo Scamarcio, Jasmine Trinca, Toni Bertorelli
Genre: Crime, Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Summary: Rome, 1960s. Three young criminals, Lebanese (Pierfrancesco Favino), Ice (Kim Rossi Stuart) and Dandy (Claudio Santamaria), decide to take a step up from the streets of Rome into the world of organized crime.
It's the birth of a smart and ruthless organization which soon crushes all its rivals assuming total control of the drugs trade, whilst imposing brutal criminal laws on Rome. Their progress and changes in leadership take place over twenty-five years, from the 1970s into the '90s, and are inseparably intertwined with the dark history of modern Italy: terrorism, kidnappings and corruption at the highest levels of government.
As the three friends head to the end of an era where all vendettas are executed and scores are settled only one question remains, who will be left standing...
UK Trailer:
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Med-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res
Real Player, Hi-Res
Real Player, Med-Res
Real Player, Lo-Res
Labels: Milli, Movie, R, Trailer and Clips, Unreleased
Posted by Milli at Tuesday, August 04, 2009