Live Girls
Release Date: TBA
Studio: Not Available
Director: Rob Green
Screenwriter: Not Available
Starring: Ray Winstone
Genre: Horror, Thriller
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: Mild mannered Davey visits a strip club for the first time in his life and is spellbound by diabolically sexy dancer Anya, but following a wild night of ecstasy he's bewildered to discover himself changing in ways he can't understand, and consumed by cravings that can't be quenched.
Returning to the club seeking answers, Davey encounters grizzled private eye Benedeck who's tracked down his family's murderers to the same address, and together they discover the horrific truth about Davey's condition and Benedeck's family. The club and its irresistibly seductive dancers are more than they appear to be, and for Davey to save his abducted girlfriend and Benedeck to exact revenge, they must enter a nest of immortal, blood sucking ghouls whose sexuality is as deadly as their fangs.
Coming Soon!
Labels: L, Lucas, Movie
Posted by Lucas at Saturday, August 01, 2009