The Company Men (John Wells)
Release Date: TBA
Studio: Not Available
Director: John Wells
Screenwriter: John Wells
Starring: Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Affleck, Rosemarie DeWitt, Chris Cooper, Maria Bello, Craig T. Nelson
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: Kevin Costner and Tommy Lee Jones are set to star in "The Company Men," an independently financed drama about the impact that a corporate downsizing has on both its casualties and survivors.
Affleck plays a corporate hotshot whose Porsche and six-figure salary vanish after he gets laid off. Costner plays his brother-in-law, a salt-of-the-earth drywall installer who gives him a construction job.
Jones plays a senior partner in the firm, a principled man who struggles with the greedy actions of his partners.
Coming Soon!
Labels: Milli, Movie, T, Unreleased
Posted by Milli at Thursday, August 13, 2009