Proud American (2008)
Release Date: September 12, 2008 (limited)
Studio: Not Available
Director: Fred Ashman
Screenwriter: Fred Ashman, Rolland Smith
Starring: Jonathan Banks, Michael Barreta, Kimberlin Brown, Edward Gage, Grant Goodeve, Mark McClure
Genre: Documentary, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG (for some mild thematic elements)
Official Website:
Movie Poster: Not Available
Summary: This story takes the audience to the most stirring and heartwarming scenes in America. History, adventure and spectacular scenery are the backdrop. Opportunity, personal responsibility, and the free enterprise system is the platform in which America's success is molded. We are a nation that owes much to many. This is an American story told through the magic of magnificent music performed by top performers, breathtaking photography, thrilling aerial scenes, and some of the most touching human moments ever presented on the giant screen.
It's about what binds us as Americans, not what separates us.
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Labels: Milli, Movie, P, Sep 08, Trailer and Clips
Posted by Milli at Tuesday, July 28, 2009