National Lampoon Presents Electric Apricot (2007)
Release Date: November 9, 2007 (limited)
Studio: National Lampoon
Director: Les Claypool
Screenwriter: Les Claypool
Starring: Bob Weir, Mike Gordon, Warren Haynes, Matt Abts, Seth Green, Matt Stone
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website:
Summary: From legendary Primus bassist Les Claypool comes "National Lampoon presents Electric Apricot: Quest For Festeroo," a spoof about jam bands told in the style of "This Is Spinal Tap" and "A Mighty Wind." In the spring of 2005, Les Claypool set forth to make a documentary reflecting an element of contemporary music culture which had yet to be fully examined. The notion was to capture something raw and original. Les searched for something unpretentious and genuine and he yearned to make a film that would stand out from other music documentaries. Who he found was Electric Apricot and what he achieved was enlightenment. Unexpectedly, while searching for enlightenment the duality of existence was unveiled.
Striving for the glory of the Grateful Dead and Phish is Electric Apricot, Claypool's fictional traveling jam band. The film follows the journey of Electric Apricot as they hit the road to make it to the pinnacle event of their career, Festeroo. The members of the band go by the assumed names, Steve "Aiwess" Trouzdale on bass and vocals, Steve "Gordo" Gordon on guitar and vocals, Herschal Tambor Brillstien on keyboards and vocals, and Lapland "Lapdog" Miclovik on drums and vocals.
Movie Poster:
Not Available
Trailer (11.3.07):
Flash Player
Labels: Milli, Movie, N, Nov 07, Trailer and Clips
Posted by Milli at Friday, July 24, 2009