Jailhouse Rock
Release Date: TBA
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Director: Brian Robbins
Screenwriter: Joshuah Bearman
Starring: Not Available
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: Film based on the true story of an "American Idol"-like singing contest held in an Arizona jail. Bret Kaiser, a heavy-metal musician-turned-detention officer at Arizona's Tent City, the fourth-largest jail in the country. Kaiser, whose life rights are part of the package, rallied thousands of inmates to participate in the "Inmate Idle Singing Con-Test." Cell block hostilities were curtailed as inmates rallied around the contestants. Alice Cooper was a guest judge for the finals.
Coming Soon!
Labels: J, Lucas, Movie
Posted by Lucas at Friday, July 31, 2009