Islands in the Stream
Release Date: TBA
Studio: Not Available
Director: Tommy Lee Jones
Screenwriter: Tommy Lee Jones, Bill Witliff
Starring: Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, John Goodman
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: Based on Ernest Hemingway's posthumously published novel "Islands in the Stream," which centers on the various life stages of a reclusive male painter named Thomas Hudson before, during and after World War II after he moves to the Bahamas. Like many Hemingway characters, Hudson, who in the tale has a stint working for the U.S. Navy and also endures a series of family tragedies, leads a complicated emotional life that he hides behind a stony exterior.
Coming Soon!
Labels: I, Lucas, Movie
Posted by Lucas at Friday, July 31, 2009