Hell Ride (2008)

Release Date: August 8, 2008 (limited)
Studio: Third Rail Releasing (The Weinstein Company)
Director: Larry Bishop
Screenwriter: Larry Bishop
Starring: Larry Bishop, Michael Madsen, Dennis Hopper, Vinnie Jones, David Carradine, Eric Balfour, Julia Jones, Michael Beach, Leonor Varela, Francesco Quinn, Alison McAtee
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R (for strong violence, sexual content including graphic nudity and dialogue, language and drug use)
Official Website: HellRidemovie.com
Movie Poster: View Here
Production Stills: View here
Plot Summary: "Hell Ride" is a raucous throwback to the days of the Sergio Leone spaghetti western, with a heaping helping of testosterone-fueled chopper action thrown into the mix. Writer/director Larry Bishop takes on a third role as Pistolero, head honcho of the Victors, a group of badass bikers who are out to avenge the murder of one of their members at the hands of the 666ers, a rival gang whose actions live up to their hellish moniker. Along with his cohorts, the Gent (deviously portrayed by Michael Madsen) and the mysterious Comanche (Eric Balfour), Pistolero aims to take down the Deuce and Billy Wings, menacing leaders of the 666ers, but a mutiny looms on the horizon when his commitment to profit is questioned by a few of his fellow Victors. An even larger story unravels when previously unknown information about Comanche resurrects ghosts from Pistolero's past.

Although there is enough sex, violence, and all-out machismo to keep grind-house fans firmly plastered to their seats, Bishop's take on the genre strays far from exploitation as he weaves a twisting, multilayered tale of revenge, loyalty, and brotherhood that is brought to life by a superb ensemble cast, with memorable performances by Dennis Hopper, Vinnie Jones, and David Carradine. In the words of Comanche, "The road to hell is paved with anything but good intentions."

Exclusive Red Band Trailer (7.9.08):
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Exclusive Restricted Clip (8.1.08):
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