Dreams with Sharp Teeth (2008)

Release Date: June 4, 2008 (NY)
Studio: Not Available
Director: Erik Nelson
Screenwriter: Erik Nelson
Starring: Harlan Ellison, Robin Williams, Neil Gaiman
Genre: Documentary
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: The writings of Harlan Ellison, like those of Philip K. Dick and Kurt Vonnegut, were once marginalized as science fiction; but now his hugely popular work (nearly 2000 published stories and some of the best episodes of "Outer Limits" and "Star Trek") has defined its own genre. Ellison's larger-than-life personality is legendary. In this hilarious portrait, Ellison's fecund imagination is matched by his nearly limitless supply of outrage. On being asked to donate an interview to Warner Bros. for a DVD extra, he responds: "What is Warner Bros, out with an eye patch and a tin cup on the street? And they don't even send you a copy of the DVD! You send me the goddamn DVD now or I'm gonna come down to your office and I'm gonna burn it to the ground, how 'bout that?" A 27-year labor of love, by Erik Nelson, producer of "Grizzly Man," who throws in Ellison's pal Robin Williams for good measure.

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