Captain Mike Across America

Release Date: TBA
Studio: The Weinstein Company
Director: Michael Moore
Screenwriter: Michael Moore
Starring: Not Available
Genre: Documentary
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Review: Not Available
DVD Review: Not Available
DVD: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills: Not Available
Plot Summary: In October 2004, just before the United States Presidential election, Michael Moore went on a 62-city tour through the undecided states to register and rally young would-be voters to vote for a change in our country. Michael was joined on tour by some of the U.S.'s most politically involved musicians and artists, including Eddie Vedder, Steve Earle, Roseanne Barr, Joan Baez, and Viggo Mortensen (to name a few). With visits to college campuses and other venues, this documentary showcases what the filmmaker calls "the birth of a new political generation."

Coming Soon!

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