Kate Winslet Files Libel Suit Against the 'Daily Mail'

Kate Winslet is a rare actress who's been up front about her struggle to meet the Hollywood weight standards and doesn't obsess about a size-2 figure. That's why the Oscar winner was less than pleased by a recent article in the Daily Mail titled, "Should Kate Winslet Win an Oscar for the World's Most Irritating Actress?" claiming she's become "impossibly vain."

The writer of the report said Winslet "has become, in my opinion, as drippy and as impossibly vain as the rest of them," and suggested she had lied about her fitness regimen in a recent interview with Elle. Kate had told the magazine:

I don't go to the gym because I don't have time, but I do Pilates workout DVDs for 20 minutes or more every day at home.

The writer, Liz Jones, also questioned Winslet's claim to be content with her body, saying instead that, "She caught a nasty dose of Hollywooditis. It happens to the best of them, of course it does. It is the duplicitousness that enrages me and most other women I have spoken to."

Winslet has filed a libel suit against the Daily Mail for about $225,000, insisting the article left her "distressed and embarrassed" and "injured her personal and professional reputation." This month's legal filing says "[Winslet] was particularly upset by what she regarded as the very unpleasant and nasty way in which the article was written." The actress is trying to prevent the paper from reprinting any of the claims, but so far they've refused.

Source: http://www.zimbio.com/Kate+Winslet/articles/409/Kate+Winslet+Files+Libel+Suit+Against+Daily

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