Has Michael Sheen Joined the Cast of Tron 2?

It all began when Sheen mentioned earlier this week on Twitter that he had been cast in a “mystery film” that he wasn’t allowed to “talk about yet”, confirming that it has nothing to do with the Twilight sequel New Moon
, Alice in Wonderland, his role as Tony Blair in The Special Relationship or anything yet announced. He says that he will not be playing “a real person”, and that his character is “in fact not a person at all.” Fans guessed and guessed, and Sheen answered every single inquiry:

not Bilbo(I wish), not Lily Savage or Underworld : Widow Twanky. Not living or dead.” … “no not doing a Potter. not a God. not Bush.” … “not Gullivers Travels, Tin Tin or a Pixar not undead either not a Neil Gaiman film though he is my favourite writer along with Stephen King.” Not an Alien, Predator, Terminator, News Anchor, Psychopath, Geriatric or Mythical being.

Not that the Welsh actor would be able to say yes, if the correct project/character were guessed, but he did say that he would try to “indicate in some mildly ambiguous way if someone guesses right.”

And here is where the Tron 2 speculation begins. Someone asked if he was going to play “either a great big bad villain or a fictional seventies rock star” and Sheen conceded that “oh my goodness youre kind of close”. Of course, since he already mentioned that he doesn’t play “a person at all” which confirms he will be playing a villain. Today he asked people to vote on their favorite Jeff Bridges film. And when the votes came in, he mentioned that he was “Personally very happy to see so many Tron fans….” He then mentioned that he would be “Going to Vancouver Monday.” Someone mentioned that Tron 2 is currently shooting in Vancouver, which Sheen responded by saying “without giving too much away, I already knew.” But when people began inquiring if he had a role in Disney’s Tron sequel, the responses came to an end. It’s also worth mentioning that Sheen is also involved in Disney’s new Tim Burton-directed Alice in Wonderland film.

So could Michael Sheen be playing the villain in Tron 2?

Source: http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/05/01/has-michael-sheen-joined-the-cast-of-tron-20/

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