Rihanna Schedules Comeback Concert in Dubai

Rihanna has opted to stay out of the spot light lately, and really, who can blame her? But after recovering from injuries sustained during a February altercation with Chris Brown, and dealing with the media circus that followed, it seems the singer is finally ready to make a comeback.

The 21-year-old has reportedly schedule a concert in Dubai on May 28. Mary Rachelle Cerpak, a spokeswoman for Dubai Tourism told E! News:

There will be over 25,000 tickets available. They will be going on sale in the next couple of days.

While the exact location has yet to be announced, Cherpak said it's not uncommon for concert organizers to construct a special facility in the middle of the desert for these kinds of events.

Rihanna's last performance was a January 29 concert in Los Angeles. She was scheduled to perform at the Grammys on February 8, but was understandably unable to attend. Considering the young singer's large fan base and the media attention she's received in the past few months, it's safe to say tickets will sell out fast.

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