Marriage Looks Great on Fergie

Fergie Ferg attended the Los Angeles launch of her new special edition lipstick for MAC VIVA GLAM looking, well, glamorous. While Fergie's duds were black and basic, she paired her dress with a killer pair of red booties.

From the looks of it, Fergie's new lipstick shade is a soft peachy neutral shade. It's perfect for a minimal look, which is what Fergie - surprisingly - is going for.

I'm used to seeing her chola-ed out for performances with the Black Eyed Peas, with pencil-thin eyebrows and heavily lined lips. But Fergie's been moving towards a more sophisticated style for a while now, and I definitely appreciate the understanded look. She looks a lot softer, and happy (being married to Josh Duhamel would probably make anyone look blissful).

Source : Zimbio

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