Lindsay Lohan Is Looking for Work

Lindsay Lohan appears on the April cover of Nylon, accompanied by an article titled "Everybody Loves Lohan." But at this point, a grand statement like that seems out of place since Lindsay hasn't been in a movie since 2007's I Know Who Killed Me, and she admits she's been struggling to find employment.
It's scary when you realize, 'Oh my God, I'm not working. And I have a house to pay for now.'… and there's been some things I've really wanted to do.

Like the one movie I've wanted to do for so long is Alice in Wonderland [directed by Tim Burton]. But, um, that didn't work out… it is what it is.

[Producers said] 'You're not right for the part, and that's it.' That's how I like to hear it...I can take it, I'm a big girl. Obviously, you don't want me. I don't want to do something that somebody doesn't want me to be involved in anyway.
Still, Lohan says she's been in talks with some people in the industry, including recent Oscar winner Sean Penn. She says, "I spoke to him the other day. We're trying to get Seth Rogen for this project, but Seth won't call us back. So call us back, Seth, if you're reading this!"

Lohan on the cover of Nylon.
Some other highlights from the interview are when Lindsay addresses the difference between an artist and an entertainer. She says of Britney Spears, "She’s marketed as an entertainer, which is what she is. Not necessarily as, like, an artist. And I respect that about her, cause she doesn’t want to pretend."

In reality, though, Lohan's description of her own career doesn't stray too far from how she perceives Britney's. She says:
I love doing photo shoots… I mean, if I could just sign with IMG and do ad campaigns and model more, I’d do that… because that’s fun for me. That’s not work. Still, if Lindsay likes to have her picture taken, it doesn't mean she likes being a paparazzi magnet.
There’s not much I can do about the fact that I’ve become a kind of tabloid obsession. I can’t change that. And yes, the websites, the gossip pages, and all of that stuff have hurt my career – they’re like the Burn Books of Hollywood… but I really don’t feel like I should have to prove myself to anyone because of living out my college years in the public eye. I’m glad everything happened the way it did.

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