The Last House on the Left Movie Review
The Last House on the Left Movie Reviews by different film critics.
The New York Times
“The Last House on the Left” is a study of operatic vengeance and dueling family values.
San Francisco Chronicle
The remake of "The Last House on the Left" breaks the template, taking the 1972 original into an interesting new direction, ...
E! Online
The latest remake of an old story, in which escaped criminals unknowingly seek shelter at the home of their latest victim's ...
Chicago Tribune
The strategy behind the remake of "The Last House on the Left" is clear. It grinds our bones to make its bread.
Village Voice
It fails, through its villainy; this trio of baddies resembles a dive-bar slumming suburban psychobilly band, no meth-breath...
But if the original could be accused of having a real point (even a subtext), the uninspired redo has none whatsoever.
Entertainment Weekly
This remake is merely vile (and dull), with a badly miscast Tony Goldwyn as the raging dad who makes revenge for his daughte...
Chicago Sun-Times
What I know for sure is that the Bergman film is the best. Beyond that, the versions are a confusion of contradictions.
But all in all, director Dennis Iliadis is able to make a cult classic once told, feel relevant and terrifying all over again.
Shock cinema fans head right in, but everyone else enter at your own risk.
Rolling Stone
Ten minutes into this puke-slick remake of Wes Craven's infamous 1972 revenge classic on rape, torture and murder, I knew th...
Labels: Movie Review
Posted by Nayan at Sunday, March 15, 2009