Does Pamela Anderson Even Enjoy Fashion?

This year, Pamela Anderson has made more appearances on the runway (for designers Richie Rich and Vivienne Westwood) than she has anywhere else. She may hobnob with famous figures in the fashion world, but what about her own personal sense of fashion? She is, after all, best known for bikinis and baring all.

Does Pamela Anderson's fashion sense deserve more credit after all? Let's check out what she's worn over the past few years.

World Music Awards, 2005

Pam's sex-kitten hair and makeup look great here, but the skin-tight black dress is about what you'd expect from a woman who became famous on Baywatch.

Arby's Action Sports Awards, 2005

Pam plays up her tanned legs in a pair of formal shorts. With heels, of course

MTV VMAs 2007

Pam's not smiling because she's struggling to breathe.

New Year's Eve 2008

Just because it's Chanel doesn't mean it's classy.

Paris, February 2008

This is the most covered-up you will ever see Pamela Anderson. And she's not wearing any pants.

Promotion for Reality Show, 2008

This might have been a great dress, but the layers-thick makeup isn't doing her any favors.

Having trouble with the gas pump, 2009

Pamela's notion of dressing demurely basically breaks down to this: when you want to look classy, cover up the bust, but raise the hemline and the heels.


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