Rihanna's horrific injuries after alleged bust-up with Chris Brown
This is the picture showing the battered face of pop singer Rihanna after she was allegedly beaten up by her boyfriend.
Heavy welts above her eyes and scratch marks around her mouth and on her cheeks are clear in the close-up image.
The photograph of the 21-year-old is said to have been taken this month after the alleged assault by R&B singer Chris Brown in Los Angeles.
Revealed: A leaked picture reveals the extent of Rihanna's injuries after allegedly being beaten up by R&B superstar boyfriend Chris Brown earlier this month
Police have not confirmed the name of the woman in the leaked picture or when or where it was taken.
However, she has the same tattoo of Roman numerals on her shoulder which Rihanna revealed at a party before the Grammy awards on February 8, the night she was attacked.
The injuries to the woman's face are also consistent with those said to have been suffered by the singer.

The fight escalated after they got out and by the time officers arrived at the scene in Hancock Park, Brown had left.
He handed himself in to police the following day, when he was arrested and released on £30,000 bail.
A statement released through his publicist said: 'Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired.
'I am seeking the counselling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person.'
Both Brown and his Barbadian girlfriend were nominated for Grammys and were due to appear at the music awards show in LA but cancelled at the last minute.
The picture emerged after a leak from the LA police, prompting an internal investigation. A spokesman said the force took its duty to maintain the confidentiality of victims of domestic violence 'very seriously'.
Releasing a picture without authorisation was considered serious misconduct, with penalties which could include sacking, he added.
Police are continuing to investigate the case and Brown may face domestic violence charges.
Rihanna, meanwhile, is said to be staying with relatives in Barbados.
Labels: Celebrity, Rihana
Posted by Nayan at Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rihanna looks horrible! i guess she must really care bout chris after she accepts his apology!? if they hooked bak up! wow she must be brave! i wouldnt ever do tat!
Anonymous says
iithink thatt riihanna looks HORABIL!!
NOW Sheee used to be gurjuss and that dickhead CHRIS BROWN ii used to be hiss numberr 1 fann
butt ii noo now loads of peoplee dont liike him now
woomenn beater and he wont even be put into jaiil for it just cuz he is CHRISBROWN!!
he is no differnt from me or from anyyonee
so iif anyone who wasn't famous would have got put in jaiil but hee woont PUSSYY ii hoppe he gets fucked up i hate hiim noww!!!! ergggg;
i liike rihanna better noww!
Anonymous says
shee got fucked up thee fucking sket
shame on herr
and shee iis fucking ugly befor she got fuck up and iif he han'nt of beattenn her up then i fukiin would of she iis one dutty fuckiin pig facee sketttttt!!