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Name | Company | Location | Contact |
Clint Eastwood | Leonard Hershan | | 310-550-4501 |
Scarlett Johansson | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
David Fincher | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Natalie Portman | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Danny Boyle | Independent Talent Group | | +44 207 636 6565 |
Christopher Nolan | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Anthony Hopkins | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Russell Crowe | | | 310-859-4000 |
Josh Brolin | | | 310-859-4000 |
Tim Burton | | | 310-859-4000 |
Michael Cera | Paradigm | | 310-288-8000 |
Woody Allen | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Julia Stiles | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Darren Aronofsky | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Jason Bateman | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Joseph Gordon-Levitt | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Sam Mendes | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Kenneth Branagh | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Bryce Dallas Howard | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Frank Miller | Guttman Associates | | 310-246-4600 |
Tom Welling | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Josh Peck | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Bryan Singer | | | 310-859-4000 |
Anjelica Huston | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Patrick Dempsey | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Matt Dillon | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
| Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Ian McShane | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Crispin Glover | Agency for the Performing Arts (APA) | | 310-888-4200 |
Steve Buscemi | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Luke Wilson | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
David Tennant | Independent Talent Group | | +44 207 636 6565 |
Joel Coen | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Martin Scorsese | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Ridley Scott | | | 310-859-4000 |
Jennie Garth | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Dolph Lundgren | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Guy Ritchie | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
David Schwimmer | Dawn Sedgwick Management | | 020 7240 0404 |
Sean Astin | Agency for the Performing Arts (APA) | | 310-888-4200 |
Alan Arkin | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Zach Braff | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Emilio Estevez | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Tim Robbins | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Helen Hunt | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Lea Thompson | Innovative Artists | | 212-253-6900 |
Tommy Lee Jones | | | 310-859-4000 |
Michael Keaton | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Simon Baker | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Ralph Macchio | Don Buchwald & Associates | | 323-655-7400 |
Joshua Jackson | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Sam Worthington | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Dominic West | | | 310-859-4000 |
Thomas Jane | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Tim Matheson | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Kathy Bates | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Helen Mirren | Ken McReddie Associates | | +44 (0) 20 7439 1456 |
M. Night Shyamalan | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
| | | 310-859-4000 |
Brian Austin Green | Agency for the Performing Arts (APA) | | 310-888-4200 |
Robert Rodriguez | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Chiwetel Ejiofor | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Jason Marsden | Cunningham Escott Slevin & Doherty (CESD) | | 310-475-2111 |
Patrick Stewart | | | 310-859-4000 |
Alexander Skarsgård | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Wes Anderson | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Gus Van Sant | | | 310-859-4000 |
Burt Reynolds | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 212-556-5600 |
Andy Serkis | Gersh Agency, The | | 310-274-6611 |
Sam Neill | Shanahan Management | | +61 2 8202 1800 |
William Shatner | Talent Works | | 818-972-4300 |
Mel Smith | Talkback Management | | 020 7861 8060 |
Joseph Fiennes | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Kevin Connolly | | | 310-859-4000 |
David Morse | Endeavor Agency | | 646-278-2900 |
Bill Paxton | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Francis Ford Coppola | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
Stuart Townsend | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
David Thewlis | Julian Belfrage Associates | | +44 207 287 8544 |
Sean Patrick Flanery | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Zack Snyder | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Steven Soderbergh | Anonymous Content | | 310-558-6000 |
Catherine Hardwicke | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Kiely Williams | | | 310-859-4000 |
James Coburn | Dick Delson & Associates | | 818-763-2363 |
Kimberly Williams-Paisley | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Sydney Pollack | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Leonard Nimoy | Gersh Agency, The | | 310-274-6611 |
Jerry O'Connell | United Talent Agency (UTA) | | 310-273-6700 |
Paul Thomas Anderson | | | 310-859-4000 |
James Brolin | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Carl Weathers | Abrams Artists Agency | | 310-859-0625 |
Eric Stoltz | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Tyler Perry | | | 310-859-4000 |
Dyan Cannon | Michael Greene & Associates | | 310-550-9333 |
Kyle MacLachlan | Gersh Agency, The | | 310-274-6611 |
David Morrissey | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Andrew McCarthy | Glick Agency | | 310-593-6500 |
| Untitled Entertainment | | 310-601-2100 |
Danny Huston | International Creative Management (ICM) | | 310-550-4000 |
Anne Heche | Creative Artists Agency (CAA) | | 424-288-2000 |
Michael Rosenbaum | Endeavor Agency | | 310-248-2000 |
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Labels: People Directory
Posted by Nayan at Sunday, February 08, 2009