World famous film Directors

These are the film directors who is most famous & popular in the world. The films which they direct are very successful in box office.

Name - Steven Allan Spielberg
Date of birth - December 18, 1947 (1947-12-18) (age 60)
Spouse - Amy Irving (1985-1989), Kate Capshaw (1991-present)
Now living - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Active from - 1964
Famous films - Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park.
Academy award - Three times oscar award winner

Name - George Walton Lucas
Date of birth - May 14, 1944 (1944-05-14) (age 64)
Spouse - Marcia Griffin (1969-1983)
Now living - Modesto, California, U.S.
Active from - 1965
Famous films - star war series.
Academy award - one times oscar award winner

Name - Peter Jackson
Date of birth - October 31, 1961 (1961-10-31) (age 46)
Spouse - Fran Walsh (1987- till)
Now living - Pukerua Bay, New Zealand
Active from - 1976
Famous films - Lord of the ring trilogy, King Kong
Academy award - Three times oscar award winner

Name - Samuel Marshall Raimi
Date of birth - October 23, 1959 (1959-10-23) (age 48)
Spouse - Gillian Greene (1993–present)
Now living - Royal Oak, Michigan, U.S.
Active from - 1981
Famous films - The evil dead series, Spider-man series

Name - Andrew Adamson
Date of birth - December 1, 1966 (1966-12-01) (age 41)
Now living - Auckland, New Zealand
Active from - 2001
Famous films - The Shrek-1, shrek-2, Narnia series
Academy award - One times oscar award winner

Name - Roland Emmerich
Date of birth - November 10, 1955 (1955-11-10) (age 52)
Now living - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Active from - 1984
Famous films - Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow

Name - Laurence & andrew Wachowski brothers
Date of birth - Laurence: June 21, 1965 (1965-06-21) (age 42)
Andrew: December 29, 1967 (1967-12-29) (age 40)
Now living - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Active from - 1995
Famous films - The matrix series

Name - Clint Eastwood
Date of birth - May 31, 1930 (1930-05-31) (age 77)
Spouse - Maggie Johnson (1953-1978)
Dina Ruiz (1996-)
Now living - San Francisco, California
Active from - 1955
Famous films - Million dollar baby, unfirgiven
Academy award - Five times oscar award winner

Name - Ronald William Howard
Date of birth - March 1, 1954 (1954-03-01) (age 54)
Now living - Duncan, Oklahoma, U.S.
Active from - 1977
Famous films - A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code
Academy award - Two times oscar award winner

Name - Gregor Verbinski
Date of birth - March 16, 1964 (1964-03-16) (age 44)
Now living - Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States
Active from - 1996
Famous films - The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean series
Academy award - One time

Name - Michael Benjamin Bay
Date of birth - February 17, 1965 (1965-02-17) (age 43)
Now living - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Active from - 1984
Famous films - Armageddon, Transformers

Name - James Francis Cameron
Date of birth - August 16, 1954 (1954-08-16) (age 53)
Spouse - Sharon Williams (1978-1984)
Gale Anne Hurd (1985-1989)
Kathryn Bigelow (1989-1991)
Linda Hamilton (1997-1999)
Suzy Amis (2000-)
Now living - Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada
Active from - 1981
Famous films - The terminator, titanic
Academy award - Three times

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