About Us

Film Taka is a place of film information worldwide. it provide you latest filmy news, gossips, which film is under production, upcoming film, new film trailers, about celebrities, box office records etc. we are also helping you to find work in Hollywood & Bollywood film industries by providing casting calls information, contact information of production houses, agents, directors, producer etc.

Note :

1 - In our Directory category we have a contact details of so many Film Professionals & companies, If any one want to remove or Update there name in our Data base, so let us mail, we will remove or update there contact details from our database.

2 - Filmtaka.com did not responsible any of the casting call job. All these casting calls are already widely available on the internet, we just copy and paste these jobs from different sources for our visitors. Please contact us if any job owner have any objection about there job, we will always ready to resolve any issue.

Mail to : contact@filmtaka.com

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